
About Farmbox Direct
farm-fresh produce delivered
Farmbox Direct is the go-to produce delivery service shipping farm-fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables from coast to coast across the continental U.S. We offer USDA Certified Organic & All Natural Farmboxes and take a great deal of pride in being one of the only options for millions of Americans to order fresh produce for at-home delivery–bringing the farmers market, in its purity, to our customer’s doors.

Meet Ashley
FOunder & CEO
Ashley Tyrner is a health & food-policy advocate, and the founder & CEO of Farmbox Direct, FarmboxRx, and Harlow’s Harvest. Having been a single mother on food stamps, Ashley has built Farmbox with the goal of helping to eradicate the food desert problem that America faces. With her passion and mission of giving people access to healthy foods, Ashley works endlessly to disrupt the food policy space.